Seraincourt Golf Local Rules - September 2020
These local rules supersede and replace all other local rules. They supplement the permanent local rules of the French Golf Federation.
Place the RL ball type E3
When a player's ball lies on part of the general area mowed to fairway height or less, the player peut get free once by placing the original ball or another ball and playing it, from this clearance area :
- Reference point: the location of the original ball.
- Dimension of the clearance zone measured from the reference point: a length of club, from the reference point, to the direction with these limitations:
- Restrictions on clearance area: Must not be nearer to the hole as the reference point, and must be in the general area.
In proceeding under this RL, the player must choose a spot to place the ball and use the procedures for replacing a ball under R14.2b (2) and R14.2e.
Ground under repair (Rule 16.1b):
In the general area, areas degraded by wild boar are considered ground under repair from which relief is permitted under rule 16.1b.
Out of bounds (Rule 18.2):
Are indicated by stakes or white lines.
Hole n ° 17 : The stone wall located along hole N ° 17 on the right is part of the out of bounds.
Red or yellow penalty areas (Rule 17):
Are indicated by yellow or red stakes or lines.
Immovable Obstructions (Rule 16.1):
Hole n ° 17 : The cobblestone path to the right of the start of hole N ° 17.
Hole n ° 17 : The paving stone planter to the right of the yellow start of hole N ° 17.
Integral parts Rule 2.3 and RLP.4
Holes n ° 15 and 16 : the old bunkers are an integral part of the course
Hole n ° 18 : The rocks are an integral part of the course.
Yellow marker / Red / white stake: 135m from the green entrance
Yellow marker: 85m from the entrance to the green
Penalty for violation of a local rule: Stroke Play: 2 strokes